On July 31, 2021, these two amazing people will be married. The young man is my son, Zach. Words cannot express how proud I am of him.

Alaina is a wonderful young lady, and I look forward to seeing these two grow together, raise a family, work together, raise a family, overcome difficulties, raise a family, and live their lives fully alive to God’s glory. And did I mention, raise a family? Can you tell I want grandkids?

They are already way ahead of the game in many respects as they both live a principled life. I know this more of Zach, but have seen these qualities in Alaina as well. What do I mean?

Principles are like laws of nature; they are the way things are whether you know them, believe them, like them, or not. Gravity operates the same no matter what you think (I’m speaking of here on Earth. I know the force is different on the moon etc.). Knowing these Principles and utilizing them to your benefit is the way to succeed in this life. And while I have seen these qualities in both Zach and Alaina, focussing on improving them will get them through the hard times.

Let’s look at each principle.

Every choice we make, every decision, whether to act or not act, we are responsible. As much as we would like to blame others for where we are in life, we are where we are because of the choices we have made. This young couple will learn quickly how this works, just as every newly married couple does. They are bringing two different ideas of life together to make a new life. There will be trials. Take responsibility for your actions and it will go better.

We must therefore seek wisdom. The Bible says that wisdom is everywhere, and that if we seek it we will find it. Our best wisdom and our best choices tend to take us to some bad places. And if you are in a bad place right now, your best wisdom got you there. Seek the wisdom of others. Zach and Alaina have been doing this already, even in the planning of their ceremony. When they have their first big disagreement, I advise them to seek wisdom again, and again.

The next principle is to have a decided heart. Analze the situation to the point where you can make a decision, and then make the decision. Indecision, or analysis paralysis, hinders success in every aspect of life. I get it. Making decisions can be hard, especially when it is something big. We don’t like to be wrong. The good thing is, if we make the wrong decision, we have the opportunity to make the decision right.

An attitude of gratitude is essential. So much of what we have we get from others. Opportunity, knowledge, information, encouragement all come from other people. Ungrateful people tend to push others away so will by nature get fewer opportunities. Be someone that others want to be around, and you will get much more opportunity, information, and encouragement. If you’ve ever been around these two, you will see the embodiment of gratitude.

Greet each day with a forgiving spirit. Forgiveness is releasing others from a debt owed to you, and ultimately placing them into the hands of God. We have all been hurt by others. And we have all hurt others. Forgiveness breaks the chains of a bondage that only those with a forgiving spirit can explain. Marriage will give everyone ample opportunity to practice forgiveness. Do this quickly.

Marriage is an act of persistence. The sixth principle is to persist without exception. The vows we take are that we will love, honor, and cherish in all circumstances till death do we part. This is persistence to completion. There are many challenges these two will face that they cannot right now fathom. One thing I would have them consider is that so many issues in marriage can be substantially reduced if they would remember that they, the husband and wife, are on the same side.

Finally, in order for anything to happen in life, we must all be people of action. You can have the other principles down, but if we fail to act, none of it matters. And, failure to act has consequences too. 

Everything we do, and everything we don’t do, matters. As these two, and the rest of you reading this post, live in these principles, life will move in the right direction. That’s the nature of principles. Learn them, love them, live them.

(And did I mention grandkids?)